10 Facts About Coworking Spaces You Didn’t Know About


By now you’ve likely heard about coworking. For those of you who haven’t, coworking is a revolution in remote working.

Instead of spending your days bent over your kitchen table or surrounded by hipsters in the local coffee shop, you can now rent an office space that caters to your needs.

If you’re new to this concept, we’ve outlined a few very interesting facts about coworking that every entrepreneur and freelancer should know.

1. 70% of People Say They Feel Healthier

A recent survey of those who use coworking spaces revealed that they feel roughly 70 percent healthier than when they spent time in a cubicle. The stress and everyday grind of a static working space contributes to unhealthy habits, while a friendly and open coworking space reduces stress and increases health.

2. Nearly 90% Report More Self-Confidence

Want more confidence? Start coworking. Roughly 90 percent of all freelancers working in a shared space report an increase in self-confidence.
Shared office spaces include a supportive community, one that you can choose to be a part of. You also have an opportunity to choose your hours and to network. All of which increases your confidence.

3. More People Report Relaxation When Coworking

Being surrounded by people who don’t enjoy their work is anything but relaxing. When you have an opportunity to choose your working space and how you’ll work, you’ll naturally relax into the environment. Not having a set place to work can cause stress. Coworking promotes balance and serenity.

4. Coworking Increases Social Interactions

Social interactions are critical to our health as human beings. When you work from home or from coffee shops, you’re less likely to have the interactions you need to get inspired. A shared work space promotes creativity and increases your mental well-being.

5. Coworking Began in 1682

Think that coworking is new? Think again. The term ‘coworking’ was first coined in 1682 after a book was published on the concept. Today, coworking has evolved to mean working independently but in the same space while being your own boss.

6. Over 90% of Coworking People Report Job Satisfaction

Feeling dissatisfied with where you work? Then try a shared work space. Job satisfaction increases by 90 percent when you begin to work in a shared space. The reasons for this include greater flexibility and increased productivity.

7. Coworking is a Growing Trend

The number of coworking spaces grew 83 percent from 2012 to 2013. That trend has continued to grow in the past three years. During that same time period, coworking memberships increased 117 percent.

8. The Average Cost of a Coworking Place is…

While the cost of renting an office space is an average $1,200 a month, the average cost of renting a shared office space is around $227 month. That number fluctuates, but it always remains less than the cost of leasing your own private office.

9. Coworking Entrepreneurs Expected to reach 1 Million in 2018

The number of worldwide coworking spaces has doubled every year over the past five years. The projection for 2018 is over one million entrepreneurs and freelancers who use shared working space. That number is only expected to increase in the coming decade.

10. Coworking Increases Productivity and Income

A freelancer or entrepreneur who selects a coworking space can expect a 32 percent increase in income and a 23 percent increase in productivity. The increase in both sectors relates to saving money with membership plans and an environment that is focused on creativity and production.

If you want to join in on the trend of coworking, then subscribe to receive free updates about DeskApe, the newest change to the coworking world. Receive free updates and find the perfect work space in your area by subscribing to DeskApe.